The call of the UNACOR president
To all those who search care about the future of choreographic art in Romania
​Open letter
​Dear colleagues, choreographic art professionals from Romania, practitioners of any form of dance art, both in the institutional space and in the freelance sphere, I invite you all to join the efforts undertaken by the group of teachers, ballerinas, choreographers and managers of profile institutions, constituted in the Group of founding members for the establishment of the Romanian Choreographic Art Union and to give you the entire competition in order to gradually reach the stages and objectives proposed and accepted on this occasion. Here they are:
​The choreographic art is a fundamental component of any major culture and makes - where it is present and cultivated - the obvious distinction between traditional cultures marked by a single retrospective and conservative breath, making them function according to an elitist paradigm and the great Western cultures characterized by innovation, dynamic, inventive spirit, all characteristics of a Heraclitus spirit.
​The art of dance must become an alternative - along with the other positive artistic disciplines - of education in schools (not only in specialized ones) putting itself in such a way as to prolong and unfairly discriminate, to make sure that only music and drawing are considered necessary to be taught in general schools. By putting this phenomenon, graduates of choreography faculties will be able to benefit from the same chance - which recently the graduates of theater faculties also won - to find a job that for years only conservatory graduates or those of faculties of fine arts.
​The Union will see to it that all these discriminations to which the art of dance has been subjected as a result of the absence of a strong and credible public voice cease, using all legal means to change the old optics of those responsible in the field of education.
​The group of founding members that it is the duty of all professionals in the field of choreographic art to get involved in shaping the profile of the Union, moreover, that it is the duty of honor of this generation to be born in a free world not to continue the mistakes of the past, offering in this way a new chance for our art and future generations of artists that will not follow.
The members of the founding group are aware that within a Union where there will be various categories of professionals, diversity of opinions, contradictions, even the internal struggle for asserting some values ​​against others are normal things and undertake to ensure a democratic framework for all their debates and actions they have a constructive role, giving any member the right to free expression and not limiting any form of dialogue between Union members.
​The Union wants a good collaboration with all similar structures in the country proposing to work alongside the others professional unions in the drafting of legislation regarding the collective interests of the profile and will be a party to any claim actions initiated by them, if the evolution of things requires it.
​The Union will be permanently open to proposals for restructuring, improvement of activity and reconfiguration of its goals, depending on the dynamics of reality, whose accelerated pace requires adaptations on the fly and - sometimes - radical changes in the direction of development.
​We laid the foundations of the Romanian Choreographic Art Union. We look forward to building it and raising it together!
Professor Sergiu Angel